Prada offers its well and unique designed handbags, and which are highly welcome by the public. There are many fake Prada handbags in the market. The good fakes are Prada black Nylon bags, and those fake mini bags as shoulder bags will be frankly distinguished to be the fake.
Here are several tips to distinguish the authentic Prada handbags from the fake.
Material of nylon. The authentic Prada Nylon bags are made of parachute material. They are heat-durable, thick and tough, and shininess of the surface is limited, you will see twill by put these prada bags under the magnifying glass. However, the fake Prada nylon bags are made from common chemical fibre which makes the bags thin, light or think with too heavy. They are smooth in the surface of the bags or too dark, and you will find round spots when you put the bag under the magnifing glass.
Material of leather. The authentic Prada handbags are made of cow leather, sheepskin, and even alligator skin, all these leathers have their own special pattern and flavour. Though, the fake leather Prada handbags are touched hard and seldom pattern in the surface.
Triangular Logo. In the authentic Prada bags, the metallic logo is located in the middle of the bag, even in the lining around the logo. What’s more, the letters of the logo are handmade, it is of shade shape.
Zippers. It is heavy in the authentic Prada handbags’ zippers, and engraved Lampo in the back of the zippers as the latest anti-fake label. However it feels light in the fakes and no Lampo.
Shoulder strap of the nylon bag. The shoulder straps of the authentic nylon bags are of elasticity, they are hardly balling-up, and twills can be found. However, the fakes don’t have such features.
Zippers. It is heavy in the authentic Prada handbags’ zippers, and engraved Lampo in the back of the zippers as the latest anti-fake label. However it feels light in the fakes and no Lampo.
Shoulder strap of the nylon bag. The shoulder straps of the authentic nylon bags are of elasticity, they are hardly balling-up, and twills can be found. However, the fakes don’t have such features.
No extra Prada Outlet products. All Prada bags designed and released are noted in the Prada, so there are no extra outlet low price.